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When searching for information, on the areas of Islam, specifically related to women, it is often hard to find details. I had a great deal of trouble finding information on 'Ibadah (worship), menstruation (Taharah), marriage, etc., when I first reverted. Fortunately, today there are several good sites for women on the web. I have listed a few on my links page. On the following pages, I will try to cover some of the issues. I have the following sections, Rights, Women's' Issues, Duties, Hijab, Fatawa, Articles 2 (Articles on Women in Islam), and My Story. On the page My Story is the account of my conversion to Islam. I have pages on Family, (which covers events that have occurred in our family), Viewpoint,( which is my perspective on Islam), Humor, (a sort of on the lighter side) Stories (which has links to stories of conversion of brothers and sisters and a section on Sisters and Brothers which are stories sent to me by them). Tribute (a page dedicated to my husband). Under the subject of Rights, I have covered the issues Education, Inheritance and Employment as I feel these are pertinent to today. Under the subject of Women's Issues, I have Divorce, Menstruation, and Status of Women in Islam. In the area of Duties, I deal with Prayer, (this page has a lot of information on it and will take a little time to load), Marriage and Fasting. Under the subject of Marriage, I have covered Children, Polygyny, and Relationships. When anyone searches for information there are often several points of view. A case in point is the issue of Hijab. I have read points where the author had stated that the woman is to be covered and veiled. On the other hand, I have read where it means to cover her hair, and to wear loose fitting clothing as I stated under the page Hijab. In my opinion, common sense leans to the latter. I have opted on these pages towards the moderate point of view. Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah/s Messenger (PBUH) said, "the deeds of anyone of you will not save you [from (Hell) fire]." The said, Even, you (will not be saved by your deeds), O Allah's Messenger?" He said, "No, even I (will not be saved) unless and until Allah protects me with His Grace and His Mercy. Therefore, do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately, and worship Allah in the forenoon and in the afternoon and during a part of the night, and Al-Qasd (always adopt a middle course) whereby you will reach your Al-Qasd i.e. target (Paradise)." 8:470-O.B. This was in reference to how we should worship in a constant moderate way. This is why I have opted for moderation in my views. It is important to remember in order to be fair that there are other points of view. On this page I have dealt with the role of the woman in Islam and the world's perception of it. Roles of Women and what they mean in IslamThe role of Women in Islam is often misunderstood. There are a couple of reasons for this. The first and foremost being the perception that the western world has gathered from the media and other uninformed sources. Today the media is quick to rush to judgment on issues they have little or no knowledge of. The media because of the fact that scandal, tragedy, and all other negative aspects make headlines tend to report only the negative aspect of an isssue. A case in point is the media attention that has focused on some aspects of cultural practices concerning Women in Islam. The first and most shocking of these is the practice of female circumcision. This is a cultural practice and has no foundation in the Qur'an. It is abhorrent that this is allowed to continue but I stress the fact that it is cultural not religious. A second is how Muslimahs who wear Hijab are perceived.
Thirdly a woman must wear many hats or in other words she must assume many roles in her life time. Whether, it is the role of a mother, daughter, employee, or wife, she must adapt. In Islam, the role of man and woman are clearly defined. But what of today, where a lot of Muslim women do not live in an Islamic country. Her roles are not as clearly defined by the society but they are still clearly addressed by Islam. We, as Muslim women, face many trials and decisions. Let us look at the role of motherhood as a case in point. Above all, we must follow the Qur'an and its teachings and not let society define who we are. MotherhoodOh, the joys of being a Muslim mother. She cooks, cleans, takes care of the children and educates them in the ways of Islam. "To expect a woman to share with her husband the additional duty of being the bread-winner of the family is an unacceptable injustice. It is because of her supreme role as mother that she is entitled to three times the devotion given the father from the children."1 The story goes a man came to the Prophet (pbuh) and asked him whom should he care for first and the Prophet (pbuh) replied his mother. The man asked an additional two times and both times the Prophet (pbuh) replied his mother but on the fourth time the Prophet (pbuh) replied his father. So, as can be seen, being a mother in Islam has great value. It is said, at the feet of the mother lies the gates of paradise. It is understandable that in a western society, it is sometimes necessary for a woman to work, outside the home, to help support the family. It is important that both the husband and the wife work together to provide an Islamic environment for children they have. Therefore, a Muslimah who is a mother, who works outside the home, for economic reasons should not allow her role as an employee to overshadow her role as a mother. Our role as a mother shapes the future of society as what we teach carries on to future generations.