Health and safety:
baby probably has begun to walk or is very close to talking that first
step. With this much physical activity, sleep may be almost
impossible. Your baby may have trouble quieting down when it is time for
sleep. Leftover energies from the day's activities may be turned into
rocking, bouncing, and rolling while half asleep. be sure that you baby's
crib or bed is safe for this activity. Check screws and latches and
remove casters to prevent the bed or crib form rolling across the room.
The best way to help your baby is to make bedtime routine soothing.
folks, I'm learning:
With finger food comes a
mess. Relax if you can and allow some experiments with food. Your
little one will learn about different foods faster and cause fewer eating
problems in the future.
now on, you will see your little one exploring the world. They will learn
to talk and one of the first words other than mama or dada will be no.
Don't worry, children are imitators and they learn by watching and then
doing. Help them to become involved in family activities remembering to
keep it age appropriate. Let them try to help. Read to them and make this
an important part of their routine. The saying goes Reading is
Fundamental. Make reading and listening to the Qur'an part of their
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